Too much great content

Floating Thoughts 008

Hey 740+ friends, it’s Hannah here from Quoted Visually!

Welcome to another issue of Floating Thoughts. Sending these emails out bi-weekly might be more manageable for me, but we’ll see 😛

There are vast amounts of valuable content out there waiting for our consumption.

It’s more than we can ever comfortably consume in one human lifetime.

We've all got books, podcasts, newsletters, videos, social media posts, and even paid services and products that we are trying to keep up with and squeeze the most from.

The truth is, we all feel the squeeze.

I received this comment on a recent newsletter:

So the question is, how can we possibly manage our time so that we can consume all that good stuff?

The answer: we don't and we can’t.

It is only when we step back that we see that this pursuit is flawed!

Trying to consume it all won't bring us any closer to our goal of seeing it all. As we listen to one podcast, thousands more get added to the mix.

We'll also leave our brains completely fried if all we do is passively consume consume consume, without time to digest, contemplate, apply and create.

Perhaps the better questions might be:

  • How do I know what to choose?

  • How do I remember and apply what I learn to my own life?

Consume slowly

Oliver Berkman highlights in his book that time management isn't cramming as much as humanly possible in a given time. It is about prioritisation.

It’s reorganising our to-do lists, rather than trying to do everything on the list.

We can swap cramming for slowly savouring the select few pieces of content that we choose to enjoy.

We can be active consumers, taking notes and reflecting on what we've learnt, so that we can develop our own thinking and actually level up.

The greatest irony of the modern world is rushing through a book on rest!

Choosing what to consume

With all these great options out there, we can become a bit paralysed.

But when we worry about missing out, we miss out on what is right in front of us.

We can stop thinking about missing out in a negative way and start to feel liberated by it. There is joy in knowing that we can't do it all.

Let go. You don't have to keep up.

We can do amazing things with the tools and resources that we have in front of us. This takes the pressure off our decisions.

We can choose depth over breadth.

Why not focus on enjoying this Monday afternoon and taking just one valuable insight from today?

🗞️ Update

I hope your August is off to a flying start. I’m feeling lucky to be out nurturing my creativity on a backpacking trip through the Balkan States with my boyfriend.

The trip started with a stopover in Stockholm, and aside from enjoying it’s beautiful architecture, stumbling across their pride parade was a highlight 🎉🍦🌈

Next is a snap of me walking up the steep hill to our hostel in Bosnia, exhausted but content, after our first big day exploring!

Sarajevo has a lot of history, and we only just scratched the surface, but hearing from locals first hand about the impact of the numerous wars felt important 🇧🇦

P.s. I managed to schedule my social media posts while I am away thanks to Publer. You can check out my affiliate link here.

⚙️ Resources

Before I left, I set up Obsidian on my laptop and phone.

It’s helping me organise my notes and ideas as they come to me on the fly.

But, of course, this is in addition to my physical notebook so that I can ‘brain dump’ before bed 😂

Having a system for collecting and storing ideas is essential for publishing regularly.

What do you take your notes on? 📝

That’s a wrap. This was brought to you via the Beehiiv. Thanks for being here!

Feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions, requests or feedback. I will respond when I am home in September.

Big love,

Hannah aka Quoted Visually x


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